RightNow Media
Ready to learn? We’ve got the material to get you going. We are excited to tell you about our partnership with RightNowMedia!, the “Netflix of video Bible studies.” The best part is, it’s all FREE! This online media library offers over 2,000 Christian Bible study, training and leadership videos from respected teachers and leaders. We’re thrilled to offer this resource to you because it aligns with our goals at Second. We desire to see every person find and follow Christ. RightNow Media will help you engage with God individually, and take your next step in your relationships with Christ, from the comfort of your home or just about anywhere. We also long to see families strengthened. RightNow Media offers teaching on many parental and marital topics, and offers great wholesome videos for your children.
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We have just made it easier for you to Worship, Connect, Serve, and Invest. Our goal is that this app will make registering for events, giving, and checking your kids into KidVenture easier, and so ultimately it can be easier for you to live out our core values. Our current Second Baytown app will still be the home for all of our sermons, and the Church Center app is simply going to be an option to make it easier on you.
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