There are many questions that our children ask throughout their lives. And probably the greatest question of all might be… “What can I do to be saved?” or “how do I get baptized”. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be prepared and ready for that question and other questions about faith in God? We have a class called, “Start Here: Beginning a conversation about following Jesus”.
We are asking that you take time and come to a one-time class that will go through the plan of salvation for your kids and help you know how to continue the conversation at home. Your child will join you in this class and then be dismissed to kid’s worship halfway through. We will send you home with some talking points and a prayer guide if needed. Please let us know if you and your child are interested and will be attending.
This class will be for 1st-5th graders only.
Please let us know that your family is coming by clicking the register link. For parents and elementary age kids. All you have to do is START HERE. Join us in Kidventure Funhouse room from 9am-10am.
October 20, 2024 9:30 am - 10:15 am