Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery provides a safe, confidential environment to break free from the hurts, habits, and hang ups that hinder us from experiencing the True Joy found in Christ. Those who currently find themselves in the battle or have been there and want to support others can benefit from the experience. Celebrate Recovery meets every Thurday night in The Overflow room: 6 - 7 pm Dinner and Main Meeting: 7 - 8 pm and Small Groups: 8 - 9 pm
Homebound Ministry
Ministry participants will experience the blessing of visiting and meeting the needs of people who are homebound or in nursing or assisted-living facilities.
Contact a Pastor
Hospital Visitation
The Hospital Visitation members visit church members who are sick and in the hospital to provide comfort and encouragement in their time of need. If you know one of our church family members is in the hospital, please call or email Second Baytown. The Hospital Visitation Ministry team will be notified and a visit will be scheduled by a team member. For more information, contact Dave.
Contact a Pastor
If you have recently lost a loved one, our GriefShare support group is led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You'll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. For more information, call the church office at 281.427.6506 or email Lguillen818@gmail.com.
Join GriefShare